Farm                        Sims 2 Downloads

See also Southwest, Western, Medieval, Nostalgia

Updated 30-Jun-07

All4Sims - chicken coop and water trough by derMarcel, water pump by Taroo
Besen's Sims 2 Page - extensive outdoor laundry set: washlines, basket, drying rack, tub with washer board, soap - page 2 of Curtains/Decoratives
Blacky's Sims 2 Zoo - pitchfork and hay bale, barrel table and chair and recolors, hay wagon and recolors, wood fence and recolors
Eclectic Sims - hay bale furniture
Erininy Sims 2
    Under Meshes: object set? large planter, crates, shovel, and rake
    Under Všechno, page 38: Farmhouse lot ("Venkovské stavení") by Babča
InSIMenator - more crops and plants based on Echo's mesh, by Teresa
Loco-Plus - barn-shaped farmhouse
rustic doors
    orchard set: ladder, baskets
Mod the Sims 2
    goats by Rythela
    chickens by Rythela
various animals by suiryuue
   harvestable fruits and vegetables, electric fence, wheelbarrow, interactive scarecrow by Echo
apple advertising ("Apples 5 cents", etc.) by bogart61
    wooden barrel toilet and sink by NNNNatali
sleepable/sittable haystack by -Maylin-
playable haystacks
    growable, functioning barnyard animals
    farm implements:
hammers, pitchfork, rake, saw, scythe, shovel; spade, ax
    hay bales and hay groundcover
    butter churn, recolor
    grain sack, recolor
Paladin's Place - fish packing station, garden sprayer, employees use farmer's discount, employee gardening controller, employee fishing controller, produce packing station, seasons and weather controller

    Maiden Creek Farm: upscale house, barn with silo, and hilly landscaped lot under Residential > Super Size
    Farm Fresh Starter: includes fish pond, garden plots and apple tree, under Residential > Mini

SSS Designs Sims 2 Houses - Sommerset Farm
Sim Freaks ($) converted barns (to residential houses)
Simlische Welt - old European farmhouse
Simplicity-Lane - chickens
Sims Fashion Barn - roosters, hens; farmhouse with pool, attached green house with 16 veggie plots, 3 fruit trees and a pond for fishing.
Sims 2 FeeEssen - pigs page 16, cows page 20,
haywagon, hay piles, old-fashioned stove, milk can, paddock fencing, cows, pigs, horses, woodpiles
Sims - Danish farmhouse
Sims Fashion Barn - roosters, chickens under Decorative
Sims in Paris - old-fashioned stove in Kitchen 2
Simslice ($) real sim chickens: Farm chickens lay eggs which you can eat, or allow to hatch into a baby chick. Baby chicks can grow into adult chicken or roosters, and provide their own eggs and offspring. Also real sim pigs.
Spiffy Sims
- garden vegetables, tomato plants by Yggdrasil
Tarox - ancient farm: screencapture shows a cart, watering can, pumpkins, hens, henhouse, pup, bucket, basket, broom; possibly includes walls and build items?
The Anything Box
- cows, pigs, cats

The Big Brick House ($) Remodeled farmhouse, page 12
The Sims Resource ($) farmhouses, ranch, riding academy, headscarves, butter churn, scarecrow, animated windmill, Belgian waffles, hay wagon bed, blueberry pancakes, country kitchens, barn building kit, country home walls and floors, Farm Gals, Farmer's Daughter (stereotypical sexy country girl looking for a man ;) ),  field plants, bed quilts, wall quilts, braids and ponytails, horse and other themed paintings, farmhouse porch set, Amish clothing, swimming hole with swinging tire, signs, vegetable plots, stand mixers, fish farm objects, farmyard objects, rail holding English riding hats, wall clocks, blacksmith shop, country dance dresses, cookie jars, canisters, folk art milk cans, pitchers, cherry pie, cutting boards, rolling pin, chickens, pigs, cows, horses and ponies, sheep, rabbits, toddler overalls and cap, Farmer's Market set, Indiana farmhouse, baskets of fruit, farm chests, flannel shirts
Wood for Sims - 60-piece build and object set, part free/pay; build items come in different colors

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